Antisemitic sympathies for Zionism
- Quotation from Anat Berko “They might be anti-Semites, but they’re on our side” — Feb. 21 2019
Likud deputy, justifying relations with anti-democratic and identity-based regimes in Europe. - Quotation from Richard Spencer “ the most important and perhaps most revolutionary ethno-state” — Oct. 19 2017
“White supremacist" leader promoting a "white" state in North America, who describes his "mission" as a kind of "white Zionism". - Quotation from Lucien Rebatet “The cause of Israel is there that of all Westerners” — June 8 1967
Anti-Semitic collaborator under the german occupation of France, author in 1942 of a violently anti-Semitic book, The Rubble , condemned to death after the french Liberation and then pardoned. Not having abandoned his anti-Semitism, but ... - Quotation from Konrad Adenauer “The power of the Jews… reconciliation between the Jewish people and the German people.” — Dec. 29 1965
In an interview with ZDF television. "Jewish People", "Jewish Power in America", a collaboration with Israel based on barely concealed anti-Semitism. - Quotation from Hannah Arendt “Palestine, of all places, was swamped with all kinds of goods ‘made in Germany’” — 1963
Evoking, at the end of the Eichmann trial of 1961, the attitude of the Zionist leaders towards Nazism in the 1930s. - Quotation from Emil Ludwig “Hitler will be forgotten in a few years, he will have a beautiful monument in Palestine” — Apr. 1936
Biographer of Jewish origin, known in the 1920s, now a Zionist, interviewed in the USA by a Zionist friend. - Quotation from Reinhardt Heydrich “The government is in complete agreement with the great spiritual movement … the so-called Zionism” — Sep. 26 1935
The infamous future "protector" of Bohemia, expressing his perfect agreement in principle with Zionism. - Quotation from Vicco Von Bülow-Schwante “Zionism does not contradict the National Socialist goal” — Sep. 1935
Head of the Sonderreferat Deutchland of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in charge of "Jewish questions", he explains, in a letter to the minister of the Interior. - Quotation from Reinhard Heydrich “Zionists ...our good wishes together with our official good will go with them” — May 15 1935
The infamous future "protector" of Bohemia. - Quotation from Vicco Bülow-Schwante “Zionism comes closest to the goals of German Jewish policy” — Feb. 28 1934
Head of the Sonderreferat Deutchland of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in charge of "Jewish questions", he explains, in this circular to the diplomatic missions, the sympathy of the Nazi regime for the Zionist project. - Quotation from Joachim Prinz “Honest relationship of loyalty between a group-conscious Jewry and the German state” — June 21 1933
An executive member of the German Zionist Federation, he left Germany for the USA in 1937 and took on the highest responsibilities in the world Zionist organizations. - Quotation from Hans Friedrich Karl Günther “A worthy and evident solution of the Jewish question lies in that separation” — 1927
Influential propagandist of Nazi "racial science" in a 1927 book. Günther had a friendly meeting with the Zionist leader Arthur Ruppin in 1933. - Quotation from Winston Churchill “In harmony with the truest interests of the British Empire” — Feb. 8 1920
In this racialist, anti-Communist and anti-Semitic article, Winston Churchill, then British War Minister, endorses Balfour's commitment to the Zionist project in Palestine, in the name of "the interests of the British Empire". - Quotation from Max Nordau “This race cannot and must not merge with the others” — Dec. 21 1903
Max Nordau, a fervent supporter of "social Darwinism" who had become a co-founder of political Zionism with Theodor Herzl, explained to the French anti-Semitic leader Edouard Drumont his fundamental agreement with Drumont on the "racial" separation between Jews and non-Jews. - Quotation from Theodor Herzl “Help me to reach land [Palestine] sooner and the revolt will end” — Aug. 8 1903
In his discussions with the pogromist Vyacheslav Plehve, who doubted the Zionists' ability to attract the Jewish masses. - Quotation from Theodor Herzl “I have just come from Plehve … he will effectuate for us a charter for Palestine” — Aug. 1903
Talking about his meeting with the Russian pogromist Viatcheslav Plehve. According to the remarks reported by Herzl to Chaim Zhitlovsky, who rejected these conditions. - Quotation from Edouard Drumont “I don't mind as long as that homeland is not mine” — 1900
Founder of the newspaper La Libre Parole, antidreyfusard, nationalist and anti-Semitic, author of La France juive (The Jewish France , 1886), seeing a departure of Jews in Palestine in a positive light. - Quotation from Friedrich von Hohenzollern “Let the Mauschels (Yids) go to Palestine” — Oct. 1897
Emperor of Germany, annotating a report on the first Zionist congress sent by ambassador Christan von Tattenbach. - Quotation from Edouard Drumont “The Jews make their happiness by making ours” — Aug. 30 1897
Drumont, leader of anti-Jewish propaganda from 1885 to 1910 in France, expresses his approval of Zionism, which assembled in Basel on August 29, 1897. - Quotation from Edouard Drumont “The serious thinkers of Israel, in agreement with us on the essential points” — Jan. 16 1897
Drumont, the leader of anti-Jewish propaganda from 1885 to 1910 in France, warmly approved Theodor Herzl's book "The State of the Jews". - Quotation from Charles Fourier “Nothing is easier to bring about in six months under the protection of all the monarchs” — 1835
Regarded as a utopian socialist, taking up biblical myths to promote a strongly anti-Semitic Zionism. - Quotation from John Adams “I really wish the Jews again in Judea an independent nation” — Mar. 15 1819
Second President of the United States (from 1797 to 1801), in a letter to a Jewish traveler of the time, Mordechai Noah, wanted a "restoration" of the Jews in Judea with a view to their conversion.