Quotation from Konrad Adenauer “The power of the Jews… reconciliation between the Jewish people and the German people.” — Dec. 29 1965
In an interview with ZDF television. "Jewish People", "Jewish Power in America", a collaboration with Israel based on barely concealed anti-Semitism.
Author :
- Adenauer, Konrad (1876-1967) ( 1 quotation )
- Antisemitic sympathies for Zionism ( 23 quotations )
" The power of the Jews even today, especially in America, should not be underestimated. And therefore I have very deliberately and very consciously – and that was always my opinion – put all my strengh, the best I could, to bring about a reconciliation between the Jewish people and the German people. "
Konrad Adenauer on "the power of Jews", ZDF broadcast "Zur Person", interview with Günter Gaus, 29.12.1965,
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