Quotation from Golda Eshkol Meir “My soul yearns for the dowry, and to let someone else take the bride” — Sep. 1967

In a dialogue with Levy Eshkol a year and a half before she succeeded him as Prime Minister, exposes the problem of coming to seize the Palestinian territories, but without Palestinians.

Author : Thematics :
" Golda Meir : « What are we going to do with a million Arabs?”
Levy Eshkol, upon thinking : « I get it, you want the dowry, but you don’t like the bride!”
Golda Meir : « My soul yearns for the dowry, and to let someone else take the bride. » "

Quoted by Nathan Thrall The Past 50 Years of Israeli Occupation. And the Next . In Casualties of War, NY Times, 2020, p.167.

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