Quotation from Vladimir Jabotinsky “No matter whether Joseph or Simon or Ivan or Achmet agree with it or not” — Nov. 4 1923

Leader of the so-called "revisionist" fascist movement, attacking any moral objection to Zionism.

Author : Thematics :
" In the first place, if anyone objects that this point of view is immoral, I answer:  It is not true: either Zionism is moral and just ,or it is immoral and unjust. But that is a question that we should have settled before we became Zionists. Actually we have settled that question, and in the affirmative. We hold that Zionism is moral and just. And since it is moral and just, justice must be done, no matter whether Joseph or Simon or Ivan or Achmet agree with it or not. There is no other morality. "

« The Iron Wall » O Zheleznoi Stene in Rassvyet, November 4, 1923.


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