Quotation from Vladimir Jabotinsky “Zionism a colonizing adventure stands or falls on on the question of armed force” — 1925
In the text "The Iron Law" of 1925.
Author :
- Jabotinsky, Zeev (1880-1940) ( 12 quotations )
- No Zionism without colonialist protectors ( 39 quotations )
- A Palestinian people does exist ( 30 quotations )
- Ethnic cleansing through violence ( 135 quotations )
" If you wish to colonise a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for the land or find a benefactor who will maintain the garrison on your behalf... Zionism is a colonizing adventure and therefore it stands or falls on on the question of armed force. "
Shahak Papers, N°31, Collection on Jabotinsky: His life and excepts from his writings , p.16.
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