Quotation from David Ben Gourion “Le transfert rendra possible la réalisation d'un programme global de colonisation” — Aug. 7 1937

Au cours d’un débat à l’Assemblée sioniste au cours des débats de la Commission Peel (texte anglais complété à partir de citations partielles).

Author : Thematics :
" En maints endroits du pays, aucune nouvelle implantation ne pourra voir le jour sans le déplacement des fellahin [paysans] arabes. [...] Il importe que ce plan émane de la Commission [Peel] et non de nous. [...] Le transfert rendra possible la réalisation d'un programme global de colonisation. Par chance, le peuple arabe dispose encore de vastes terres vierges. "
" In many parts of the country new settlement will not be possible without transferring the Arab fellahin. . . it is important that this plan comes from the [British Peel] Commission and not from us. . . . . The transfer of population is what makes possible a comprehensive settlement program. Fortunately for us, the Arab people have enormous desolate areas. Jewish power, which grows steadily, will also increase our possibilities to carry out the transfer on a large scale. You must remember, that this system embodies an important humane and Zionist idea, to transfer parts of a people to their country and to settle empty lands [Transjordan and Iraq]. We believe that this action will also bring us closer to an agreement with the Arabs. "

Sylvain Cypel. Les emmurés , La Découverte, 2005. Benny Morris, Victimes. Histoire revisitée du conflit arabo-sioniste, Complexe, 2003, p.162.

Eugene Rogan & Avi Shlaïm The War of Palestine Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001, p. 43.

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