Quotation from David Ben Gurion “We do not fit the general pattern of humanity” — 1950
In a speech in 1950 exalting the exceptionalism of the "Jewish people”.
Author :
- Ben Gurion, David (1886-1973) ( 94 quotations )
- The opinion of others does not count ( 24 quotations )
- International law does not matter ( 37 quotations )
- Superiority / Jewish difference ( 36 quotations )
" We are perhaps the only ‘non-conformist’ people in the world.... We do not fit the general pattern of humanity: Others say because we are flawed. I think [it is] because the general pattern is flawed, and we neither accept it nor adapt to it… "
Gil Merom, Israel’s National Security and the Myth of Exceptionalism , Political Science Quarterly, 1999, Vol. 114, No. 3, p.411.
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