Quotation from Martin Buber “Reject with abhorrence the methods of nationalistic domination” — Sep. 1 1921
At the 12th Zionist Congress in Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad), accepting all the beginnings of Zionism but recoiling from its consequences, he rejected with horror the methods of nationalist domination from which he himself had suffered.
Author :
- Buber, Martin (1878-1965) ( 7 quotations )
- Antisemitism is eternal ( 19 quotations )
- The myth of Roman exile as a justification for a "return" ( 34 quotations )
- Anti-Arab "secular" racism ( 55 quotations )
" Our national desire to renew the life of the people of Israel in their ancient homeland however is not aimed against any other people. As we enter the sphere of world history once more, and become once more the standard bearers of our own fate, the Jewish people, who have constituted a persecuted minority in all the countries of the world for two thousand years, reject with abhorrence the methods of nationalistic domination, under which they themselves have so long suffered. We do not aspire to return to the land of Israel with which we have inseparable historical and spiritual ties in order to suppress another people or to dominate them. "
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