Quotation from Chaim Weizmann “Samuel is our friend, and has worked loyally with us from the first moment” — 1921
In front of an American audience, talking about the nomination of Herbert Samuel as British governor in Palestine.
Author :
- Weizmann, Chaim (1874-1952) ( 25 quotations )
- No Zionism without colonialist protectors ( 39 quotations )
" « Perhaps I am partly responsible for the Samuel chapter. In this gathering there is no-one who had more to do with and was more pleased at the appointment of Sir Herbert Samuel than I. Samuel is our friend, and has worked loyally with us from the first moment. At our request, fortified by our moral support, he accepted the difficult position. (…) But he is our Samuel; he is a product of our Judaism. » "
Joseph M.N. Jeffries, Palestine, The Reality, Longman Green, 1939, p.371.
The Letters and Papers of Chaim Weizmann, (1983), Paper 64, p. 331. (Googlebook)
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