Quotation from JEWISH CHRONICLE “To know the habits and dispositions of the animals, and to be sure that the cages were secure” — 1921
An organ of British Judaism, uses the zoological language of the colonizers when speaking of the Palestinians following the anti-Zionist riots in Jaffa in 1921, which resulted in deaths on both sides.
Author :
- JEWISH CHRONICLE ( 1 quotation )
- No Zionism without colonialist protectors ( 39 quotations )
- Anti-Arab "secular" racism ( 55 quotations )
- Dehumanizing the Palestinians ( 47 quotations )
" Imagine the wild animals in a Zoological Gardens springing out of their cages and killing a number of spectators, and a commission appointed to enquire into the causes of the disaster reporting first and foremost that the animals were discontented with and hostile to the visitors who had come to see them! As if it were not the business of the keepers to keep; to know the habits and dispositions of the animals, and to be sure that the cages were secure! "
Quoted by Alain Gresh, Israël, Palestine, vérités sur un conflit , Fayard, 2001, p. 79.
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