Quotation from Chaim Weizmann “By Jewish immigration Palestine would ultimately become as Jewish as England is English” — Feb. 23 1919
To US Secretary of State Lansing at the Paris Peace Conference.
Author :
- Weizmann, Chaim (1874-1952) ( 25 quotations )
- Conquer discreetly - hide the objective (before 1948) ( 8 quotations )
- Jewish state = negligible Palestinian minority ( 37 quotations )
" I defined the Jewish national home to mean the creation of an administration which would arise out of the national conditions of the country -- always safeguarding the interests of non-Jews of the country -- with the hope that by Jewish immigration Palestine would ultimately become as Jewish as England is English. "
Chaim Weizmann, Naissance d’Israël,
Gallimard, 1957, pp.282-283
Trial and error
(1949), p.305
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