Quotation from Theodor Herzl “The first moment I entered the Movement my eyes were directed towards England” — Feb. 28 1898
In a letter sent to his English friends before the creation of the English Zionist Federation.
Author :
- Herzl, Theodor (1860-1904) ( 25 quotations )
- Zionism as an imperial interest ( 41 quotations )
- Zionism allied with reactionary states ( 27 quotations )
- No Zionism without colonialist protectors ( 39 quotations )
" From the first moment I entered the Movement my eyes were directed towards England, because I saw that by reason of the general situation of things there was the Archimedean point where the lever could be applied. "
Paul C. Merkley, The politics of Christian Zionism, 1891-1948 , Psychology Press, 1998, p.46
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