Quotation from Theodor Herzl “The unfortunate Jews are now carrying the seeds of Anti-Semitism into England” — Feb. 14 1896
Developing the thesis, taken up by all Zionists, of an inevitable anti-Semitism due to the Jews of Eastern Europe.
Author :
- Herzl, Theodor (1860-1904) ( 25 quotations )
- Antisemitism is eternal ( 19 quotations )
- Contempt for the poor Jews of Eastern Europe ( 7 quotations )
" The Jewish Question exists wherever Jews live in perceptible numbers. Where it does not exist, it is carried by Jews in the course of their migrations. We naturally move to those places where we are not persecuted, and there our presence produces persecution. This is the case in every country, and will remain so, even in those highly civilized- for instance, France- until the Jewish question finds a solution on a political basis. The unfortunate Jews are now carrying the seeds of Anti-Semitism into England; they have already introduced it into America. "
T. Herzl. Der Judenstaat, p.6 (p.74). Lien
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