Quotation from Laurence Oliphant “Compelled to turn for the locality of the colony to Palestine, and for the colonists to the Jews” — 1880
Writer and politician, dedicating his book to "Her Royal Highness" Queen Victoria "as a token of deep gratitude for the sympathy and cordial interest shown by Her Royal Highness in the author's efforts to promote the Jewish settlement of Palestine
Author :
- Oliphant, Laurence (1829-1888) ( 1 quotation )
- Zionism as an imperial interest ( 41 quotations )
" The next questions which naturally presented themselves to my mind were […] the class of pcople who should bc invited to comc as colonists. The objection to foreigners who were at the same time Christians seemed insurmountable […] The idea, therefore, of colonising with European Christians was speedily dismissed.
The possibility of finding, under the auspices of such a Company, an asylum for the thousands of Moslem refugees, who, driven from their homes in Bulgaria and Roumelia, were starving in various parts of the empire, also suggested itself ; but […] The chances of remuneration, therefore, were not likely to tempt capitalists, while European sympathies in favour of poor Moslems were not sufficiently strong to makc it likely that the charitable public would come forward to a sufficient extent in favour of any such enterprise.
There was, in fact, only one race in Europe who were rich, and who did not, therefore, need to appeal to Christian capitalists for money to carry through the whole undertaking […] It was thus that I found myself, by a process of deduction, compelled to turn for the locality of the colony to Palestine, and for the colonists to the Jews. The more I examined the project from this point of view, the more desirable on political grounds did it appear. "
Laurence Oliphant The Land of Gilead, with excursions in the Lebanon , Blackwood, 1880 , pp. xv-xvii (available as a fac simile)
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