Quotation from Henry Kissinger “The first step should be to throw out television, a la South Africa” — Jan. 31 1988
U.S. Secretary of State from 1973 to 1977 then influential consultant, talking about the 1st Palestinian Intifada, according to a memo whose content has not been denied by the person concerned; translating the extremism of organized American Zionism.
Author :
- Kissinger, Henry (1923-) ( 1 quotation )
- Zionism as an imperial interest ( 41 quotations )
- International law does not matter ( 37 quotations )
- Zionism allied with reactionary states ( 27 quotations )
" In summarizing Mr. Kissinger's points, the memo said: ''Israel should bar the media from entry into the territories involved in the present demonstrations, accept the short-term criticism of the world press for such conduct, and put down the insurrection as quickly as possible - overwhelmingly, brutally and rapidly.'' 'Throw Out Television'
Paraphrasing Mr. Kissinger, the memo said: ''The insurrection must be quelled immediately, and the first step should be to throw out television, a la South Africa. To be sure, there will be international criticism of the step, but it will dissipate in short order.
''As he put it, 'There are no awards for losing with moderation.' '' "
Journal of Palestine Studies, Summer 2002, pp 99-101.
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