Quotation from Nissan Rilov “It was an act of barbarism, it was difficult to describe it otherwise” — 1984
Israeli artist expelled from the Zionist Haganah after testifying what he had seen in 1939.
Author :
- Rilov, Nissan (1922-2007) ( 1 quotation )
- Ethnic cleansing by 'ethnic' property ( 38 quotations )
- Ethnic cleansing through violence ( 135 quotations )
" The first act was to plough the land to affirm the fait accompli. Then the second action was undertaken: to drive the Palestinians out of the village, after destroying their houses. To tell the truth, that's when I became aware of what we were being made to do. It is close to my home that such an operation took place (...): Palestinian women throwing themselves and their children against our tractors, against the horses.
It was an act of barbarism, it was difficult to describe it otherwise. In fact, I really started to crack in 1939. There was a real famine and the Palestinians who were driven out of their homes were the first to be affected. Sometimes, at night, some of them would dare to come and steal vegetables from the land that had belonged to them. This triggered new mobilizations against those who dared to touch the good of the Jews. A shot for a carrot! The strategy was to set up ambushes in the vegetable gardens outside the villages...
On that occasion we attacked a Palestinian peasant working in his own field. Of course, I was already little motivated after the sessions of destruction of the villages that I had little appreciated. After these exactions, we were asked to indulge in a real assassination.
Translated from French.
Maurice Rajfus. Retours d’Israël
, L’Harmattan, 1987, p. 289.
See Akiva Orr, Homage to Nissan Rilov
, Lien
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