Quotation from Harry Truman “I am rather disgusted with the manner in which the Jews are approaching the refugee problem” — Apr. 11 1949

President of the United States, in response to Mark Ethridge, President of the Palestine Conciliation Commission, in an inconsequential manifestation of mood….

Author : Thematics :
" Dear Mark, ... I am rather disgusted with the manner in which the Jews are approaching the refugee problem. I told the President of Israel in the presence of his Ambassador just exactly what I thought about it. It may have some effect, I hope so."(...)"[If the Israeli government is not more forthcoming on the refugee issue] the US Govt. will regretfully be forced to the conclusion that a revision of its attitude toward Israel has become unavoidable. "

Donald Neff, U.S. policy towards Palestine and Israel since 1945 . Institute for Palestine Studies, 1995, p.76.
Also in Landis The Palestinian Refugees. Old Problems, New Solutions , Univ Oklahoma Press, 2001, p.78.

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