Quotation from Sulaymân
Al-Tâjî al-Farûqî
“An omen of our future exile from our homeland and of our departure” — May 1911

Ramle's representative to the first Palestinian anti-Zionist party, in the newspaper Filastin.

Author : Thematic :
" ...The source of the deceitfulness that we experience like a flood and which is more frightening than walking alone in dead or night. Not only this : it is also an omen of our future exile from our homeland and of [our] departure from our homes and property. "

Quoted by Elias Sanbar, Figures du Palestinien , NRF, 2004, p.92.

Neville Mandel. The Arabs
and Zionism before World War I
, U. California Press, 1976, pp. 121–122.

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