Quotation from Moshe Feiglin “Gaza and its suburbs will be rebuilt as Israeli touristic and commercial sites” — Aug. 5 2014
Leader of Manhigut Yehudit (Jewish Leadership), an emanation of the Likud.
Author :
- Feiglin, Moshe (1962-) ( 4 quotations )
- Never a Palestinian State! ( 47 quotations )
" “Oslo is finished” there are “no two states for two people; there is only one state for one nation.” (…) « “turning Gaza into Jaffa,” (…) [the Palestinian enclave can become] a “flourishing Israeli city with a minimum of hostile residents.” (…) « “The city of Gaza and its suburbs will be rebuilt as Israeli touristic and commercial sites,” "
Toi Staff, Knesset member: Retake Gaza, put civilians in ‘tent camps’
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