Sharett, Yaakov (1927-2022)

Quotation from Yaakov Sharett “Israel Was Born in Sin. I’m Collaborating With a Criminal Country” — Jul. 19 2021 -  Yaakov Sharett served in the Palmach, the Haganah's elite unit before 1948, in the Jewish Brigade in 1944, co-founded a kibbutz in the Negev and operated in Israel's security and immigration services. A year before his death, he became an anti-Zionist, encouraging people to leave the country.
Created on Nov. 6 2024 at 04:48 pm GMT, in Quotations
Quotation from Yaakov Sharett “The Jewish state ... is one of the most serious causes for this curse.” — Jul. 19 1921 -  A year before his death, the son of Israel's second president turned anti-Zionist deemed Israel to be the most serious cause of continuing anti-Semitism.
Created on Nov. 6 2024 at 04:38 pm GMT, in Quotations