Eitan, Rafael (Rafoul) (1929-2004)
- Quotation from Rafael Eitan “All the Arabs will be able to do about it will be to scurry around like drugged roaches” — Apr. 12 1983
Chief of Staff of the IDF (Israeli army), before the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. Not to be confused with the director of the Mossad of the same name. - [wrong] Words attributed to Rafael Eitan “Until the Palestinians come crawling to us on all fours” — Apr. 1983
Apocryphal or wrong quotation or doubtful. - Quotation from Rafael Eitan “The Phalange will organize tiny little houses for the Palestinians” — Sep. 1982
Israeli Chief of Staff, about the Sabra and Shatila massacre in Beirut in 2002. - Quotation from Rafael Eitan “All the Arabs are the same. They should all be finished off” — 1980
Chief of Staff of the Israeli army, making genocidal remarks during a meeting of the high command in Gaza in 1980.